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SIMON's First Message

The first of SIMON's Messages

Little one,

Firstly, the overall context of our writings will be to assist you and your brothers and sisters understand their unique spiritual presence within the entire Universe. You have all chosen a very arduous task. The Earth plane is an exceptionally dense and heavy vibrational zone.

You are all born with all of your knowledge of who you are and your purpose while here on the Earth. It is only a matter of moments after the birth process that the memory of all that you are starts to fade. It is a little like when you first awaken from a dream. You have the knowing that you had been dreaming, but trying to recall it is difficult and becomes even more difficult as you have been out of sleep state for a while.

Eventually it is nearly impossible to remember the dream or its meaning at all. You have distant memories of some sort of happenings, but can not really put your finger on the exact happenings while in dream state.

This is what it is like for you when you experience the process

known as birth.

Your spiritual knowing and memory of all that you are and ever were fades quickly as you are here is a very dense and heavy zone, trying to live life as you are now, shown by others that have come before you and have forgotten their way as well.

The process of life on Earth is to be able to experience the vast array of colours of experiences. The span of feelings and emotions from fear to love take you through many shades of emotions. Those of you that allow yourself to feel them in all their intensity will be the ones that grow the most during this journey of discovery.

Many of you do not know why you have these strong feelings and the emotions that feel uncomfortable are shunned and hidden from, at all costs. Your emotions are your guide and travel book to knowing your real self and being able to find your way back to the light of the loving creator.

The emotion of love, pure love that is, not the heady sexually type of love, is the closest to the God source that you will be, while on the Earth plane. The sense of the entire body being bathed in loving energy, such as looking at a baby or watching a sunset; that is the feeling that is of God.

It is here, in the feeling of love, that your vibration is closest to your spiritual self and here that the memories of your true self become known to you again.

The opposite end of the scale is true fear. The emotion of fear is the total absence of love and trust. It is the emotion that takes you the furthest away from the God source of love and light.

The emotional extremes were created so that you could understand the true depth of divine love. It is in the absence of divine love that you feel fear and your body feels the intense loss of love and light.

It is the polarity that allows you to know something. You can only know light if you experience darkness; it is in the comparison that both can be known. There has to be an up for you to understand down.

Night and day will show you the unique differences and extremes as well.

There has been created a duality for the purpose of your understanding that opposites actually show you, in very real time, the impact of each other. It is only by knowing the opposite of something that you will understand its complexities.

If there was only ever light you would not really take any notice of it. It is when the light is taken away and the darkness falls that you realize the light was present in your life.

It is the return of the light that is celebrated by so many cultures to show the power that it has in your lives.

The night is very powerful and has its place in your lives.

It is however the sun shine that allows you to survive in the physical dimension of the Earth plane. Without the sun for its warmth and light you would not have any food source and the temperature would be beyond what your body could stand.

So it is with the light and love of the divine source.

Many of you live your lives not knowing that God is even part of your life.

It is however a part of every spirit’s journey to be connected to the light and drink in the warmth and light to live upon.

It is our connection to this love that allows us to survive.

We are all connected to the source and to each other.

The universe is one huge spectrum of energy that is connected through all dimensions.

We are all part of the oneness and we are all dependent in one way or another on each other. It is the feeling of separation that causes such pain in the hearts and souls of so many of you upon the Earth plane now.

When you realize your connection and realize that what each of you do, not only affects yourself but each other, you will start to act as one group in harmony.

This time, and all the ages of time till now, have been for you to experience life as separate beings. Each of you has been individuals with an intense purpose of experiencing the emotional realms.

Each of you has had wonderful experiences along the way from your first moment of separation.

You will each experience, all that is, from total love to total fear.

It is not all within one lifetime that you get to experience this spectrum of emotional sensations.

It is from the moment of separation to the moment of reconnection that the whole broad level of experiences is had by each of you.

That is why it seems that some of you are having a joy ride while others are having a ride to hell and back. It is just the flow of life that you are all going through.

At some stage in your incarnations you will all have the joy ride and all have that ride to hell and back.

Hell, by the way is just the human acknowledgment or manifestation of fear.

Fear is the furthest that you can get from the loving source and so therefore actually is the furthest away from God that you can experience.

It is this feeling of being far away from God that has been referred to as Hell.

Again, it is only through knowing both extremes, that you can value the place where you receive the brightest light and the most love.

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