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More Messages From SIMON

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I feel that I would like to ask for some answers to some age old questions. I know they have been asked and answered before, but not by us, so can we deal with some basic questions about life?

You know the thoughts and questions that have been on my mind.

Of course dearest. Firstly you ask, what are we and why are we here.

The inhabitants of Earth are merely spirits that were individuated from the one consciousness with a purpose of experiencing the physical world that the consciousness had created for the purpose of experiencing itself.

To put that simply; God, as you refer to the consciousness was all that there was.

It was almighty, omnipotent, omnipresent and omnifarious.

In other words it was big, everywhere and all that there was.

To be able to have a further expansion of itself was impossible while ever it remained as one unit.

One unit can not relate to anything else as it is the only thing there is.

The consciousness made a choice to then take parts of itself and make them separate to the oneness.

This individuation would allow the more than one parts to relate to each

other and further expand the possibility of experiences.

The individual pieces were still connected through energy and ‘mind’ so they were still in fact the oneness, just in a different way.

The individuated beings now could go off into different states to be able to experience the new possibilities that were open to them.

Matter was shaped into different ‘worlds’ so that the individuated

beings had a place to play and experience their new lives.

Many playing fields were created to allow many different

possibilities of experiences. These playing fields are known

as your planet Earth and many others exist in many other galaxies.

Vast arrays of playing fields exist so that the individuated beings can have a large potential for experiences.

Each one of you that lives a human life is one of the individual beings created by the oneness of consciousness so that you may all expand in experience and love.

You have chosen the Earth for this incarnation as it has the greatest potential for each of you at this ‘time’ in your development to experience.

Being on the Earth plane allows you to have free will, a physical body and a wide array of emotions. You interrelate with each other and allow a kaleidoscope of colours to be created with all your interblend of personalities and emotions.

You are all here to play in an unlimited field of possibilities.

Each moment is filled with choices that your free will allows you to have.

At any time, if you don’t like the way it is, you can choose it to be another way.

There are always free choices.

It is merely summing up the choice and the consequences that come for that choice and then deciding if that new circumstance will suit you better.

Each choice that you make, will, no doubt impact on another around you as that is the beauty of your interconnection.

You do have that free choice and then, so does anyone that is connected to you have their choice of how to react.

You are never really stuck in a life situation that is unsatisfactory.

It is merely a matter of making a new choice and going in that direction.

If you feel that your choice may adversely affect the people that depend on you, then you can make another choice that may not impact them as much.

Realize that you are all free to make choices all the time.

If you are not in a space of love and joy, then talk to those that are connected to you the closest and see what choices can be made to better the loving outcome for all of you.

You may be surprised that a choice that you make, with moving toward love, may impact on all around you in a more positive way than you realize.

If you are truly happy then that will impact on those closest to you in a much more positive way, than you living a life of misery and drudgery out of dedication to providing a certain lifestyle to your family.

You owe it to yourself and to them to all be the happiest that you can be.

Finding love and pure joy in your lives is the greatest experience that you can aim to have. It is of no good to allow yourselves to get bogged down into the humdrum of what you think is expected of you within your society.

Dare to dream and you may create a world better than you have ever imagined for yourselves and those closest to you.

So, what about money? I know that many of us stay in jobs that

we don’t really enjoy because we think that our family rely on us so we have to provide for them.

Yes, dear one, money is always a matter for you to consider in your physical reality.

If you decide to come from a consciousness of love and joy, you will always have enough.

You will raise your vibration so high that anything that you desire will have a greater chance of coming to you.

If you live in a vibration of discontent and drudgery, you will attract more of that drudgery to you. If however you decide to make a living out of doing something that you enjoy, you will expand beyond anything that you could have envisioned. You entire being will expand and you will come from a true sense of joy. You will enjoy your day and that will attract all sorts of possibilities to you.

Living a life of drudgery out of a sense of service to your family will not allow your being to expand to its greatest potential.

When you vibrate at a frequency of love, acceptance and joy, all the good things in life will be attracted to you and you will all benefit greatly.

Enjoy the day sweet one; we are always by your side.

Next message

Dearest SIMON,

I feel as though much of our communications have been to help me through my stuff lately. I appreciate your love and guidance.

Today, I would like to bring through a message for my brothers and sisters.

Dear ones, the great one, the one that is known to many of you as GOD, is a pure being of love.

God is everything combined together. Each one of us spirits make up a part of the whole being that is God.

God is not separate from us, we are part of it, her, him, however you may perceive it to be.

The whole entity was once just one unit.

That one unit was perfect in its wholeness, yet could not experience anything other than itself because it was everything and had nothing to relate to.

So at a moment in space and time, the oneness separated pieces away from itself. Those pieces are the separate, yet still connected parts of the universe that can be referred to as matter.

The separate bits were then formed into plants, animals, rocks, planets, people and all sorts of shapes and beings. Everything that exists is part of the oneness and the purpose of every thing is to assist in the relation of one bit to another so that the oneness can experience through all of us.

With this in mind, every bit or separate part is just as much a part of the whole being as another and therefore, even though it may hold different form or shape, is just as perfect and important as any other piece of the whole.

Imagine for a moment that a jigsaw puzzle is the whole picture.

Any piece is just as valuable as the next to make up the whole picture, and with one piece missing the puzzle is not complete or whole.

It is with this understanding that we want to speak to the heart of your brothers and sisters on Earth.

Each one of you is as valuable, perfect and magnificent as the next.

No amount of money, power or beauty can make you any more

valuable than the one standing beside you.

You are all part of the whole being and therefore valuable

just as you are.

You are a piece of the puzzle of life that makes up the whole picture.

If any of you were missing the picture would not be complete.

Sometimes we spirits are here in the higher vibrational planes and at other times, some of us may choose to be there on Earth. Others of us are off having experiences on other planets with different vibrations for each place is a place of chance to experience the magic of life.

Each one of you is perfect in your own way.

Some are tall, some are short, some are bigger or smaller than the next person, but that does not change your worth in any way.

When you come to the Earth plane you choose to play a role in the big game of life. You each play parts to allow each other to experience all the variations of emotions from pure love through to pure fear.

It is by relating to each other that you get to have these experiences and so each one of you playing the part of the goody or the baddy have a part to play in each others experience.

It is this interrelation that allows you all to experience life to its fullest. So when someone is behaving badly, allow yourself to feel how you are reacting to that behaviour. Savor the experience and then thank them for allowing you to have that experience. It is only by someone behaving in a manner that may cause you upset that you can get to have that experience.

In the same way, someone behaving with loving gestures will

give you the experience of being loved. You may then return the experience for them and allow them to have the experience of feeling loved while you have the experience of being loving.

You need each other to play different parts in the play of life so that your lives may be rich and full of experiences.

The whole range of experiences, include love through to fear and all those in between.

Many experiences will draw you into fear.

This is part of the game of life here for you on Earth.

At any time when you are being drawn into fear you may choose to realize that it is only an experience and that you may choose to feel a different experience or emotion at any time just by letting go of the feeling that you do not wish to experience and choosing another one.

It is well known that you can be in a perfect setting surrounded by happy people and still find someone feeling sad or depressed. The surroundings are not necessarily what are causing the sad feelings, it is only the thoughts that the person is having at that time.

At any moment you can choose to feel differently.

You may choose happiness in the face of madness.

Fear is triggered by a feeling of danger in your system and it will then allow your physical body to respond with a rush of adrenaline to help you fight or flight.

This is an inset response in your make up to protect you in the face of true danger.

Stress, however is a perceived danger and the body does not recognize the difference between danger that you think is there and real physical danger. The body responds again by releasing adrenaline into the bloodstream preparing you for defending yourself against real danger. Stress has become a major cause of sickness in your bodies as worry over financial matters or life itself has caused you to perceive danger where there may not truly be.

By taking a deep breath and looking to see if the danger is real or not, you can change your feelings and therefore your chemical response to events and happenings in your life.

You are a perfect spirit, here to experience all that is. When you feel yourself being drawn into fear and doubt, take a breath and think!

What is the worst that can happen?

Often your fears are only perceived fears and the thoughts and feelings can be changed just with another counter thought. Sometimes the fears will be real for the moment, but when you put them into perspective you will realize that things may not seem as bad as you think.

What is the worst that could happen?

You could lose your job, perhaps.

Well what would be the worst that could happen?

You could not pay the bills perhaps.

So then what? You may not be able to pay the mortgage or rent.

So then what? You might have to move or sell your house.

So then what? You or your family may not have such a nice home to live in.

So what then? You might not be able to afford to keep your car or your other valuable things.

So what then? You would still be you.

You would still be a perfect spirit without the material objects that you thought you needed to make you a valuable being in society.

You are still perfect as you are without the house, the job, the car, the furniture, the computers and all the material bits that you think make you who you are.

You could lose your relationship. Well you would still be you.

If that relationship ended then maybe another will come your way that fits you even better.

You could be really sick and be told that you were going to die.

So what then?

You will all die one day.

Each of the spirits that have chosen to come to Earth knew that it was only for a moment in time.

Each of you knew that it was only a temporary stay on the

Earth plane that you would all come through the process of birth, experience all that you could in that particular lifetime with that particular body and associated family, friends and financial circumstances and would then leave through the process of death to return to your true form of spirit.

So would even being sick and told you were going to die, be such a bad thing if you knew that you were just going back home, where you came from and where we will all return to at some time.

So you might say that you still have to leave your family.

So what then?

Well can you grasp the idea that your lives here on Earth are only for a moment in time. Time is eternal and your span of up to 100 years on Earth is only a blink when you consider the how long eternity is.

Can you for a moment consider that you and your family are at a party. You are all having a wonderful experience together. One of you decides that it is time to go home. Do you cry and feel distraught because they are leaving to go home. No, not often. The most common reaction would be, to say goodbye with a hug or kiss and say, see you next time darling.

You may see them again in a day, a week or a year from now. You know that you will be with them again and therefore let them leave freely without any grief.

That is how it is when you see that you are merely a spirit who is here for a short period of time to come to play in the game of life here one Earth. You will all be together again, as we are all one in the beginning and all one for ever.

So what can be the worst that can happen?

Forgetting that you are spirit, perfect in every way and allowing yourself to experience only fear rather than the joy of love.

So with that in mind, you will experience moments of fear, for that is the natural flow of things here for you on Earth.

You have the choice however to stay in fear, worry and stress yourself into a place of ”dis ease” or realize that you are just focusing on a fearful thought and that any time you can change that to one of love, joy, faith and happiness.

The choice is always yours.

God has given you free will, to not only choose the experiences, but also to choose how you feel about what is or has happened.

Free will is not only about doing. It is about having the free will to choose however you wish to feel.

Even in the face of great horror many people have chosen to see the light rather than the darkness.

Each experience offers you great wonders so enjoy all the experiences that you have, even the not so great ones for what they are.

You have been presented with a life and free will to do as you please with it.

What sort of life will you choose to have?

Ponder on what we have presented to you dearest ones.

We love you all and are here with you at all times.

You really make it all sound so simple.

I will admit that when times were really scary, I found it so comforting to just breathe deeply and allow love to come into my heart and release the fear from my thoughts.

Next message

Good morning SIMON, what will you share with us today?

The messages that we bring to you each day will always be of love and support. You are all perfect spirits and have come from the endless form of energy that was all at one stage, one entity. At some time, the oneness decided to become other than just the one and it therefore chose to create individuated forms that have come to be known as individual spirits.

The purpose for these spirits is to purely experience. That is all. Very simple and yet in its simplicity it is a profound purpose.

The oneness, being all that there was, could not experience other than itself and so, it chose to become other than just the one. By having something that was separate to it and yet still connected, the oneness could then have experiences. If it was here then the other was there, then out of that way of relating became the opportunity to experience.

So there is nothing that you need to do, other than just do whatever you choose to do, for the pure experience of it. Through the connection with you, the oneness that is now and will always be, is still the one, but just in a different way.

There really is no good or bad as you have been led to believe.

There are just experiences.

You are however responsible for the choices that you make and the consequences that come from those choices, so life itself is not a free for all, to do as you please with no regard to another, for the other is also part of the oneness and therefore part of and connected to you. What you do that affects another will in turn affect you, so choices are very important to make with this awareness. Each day is there for you to decide what choices you will make for that day. All choices that come from a centre of love will always have a loving and positive affect on the others that are connected to you. Love is a gentle yet powerful energy and it should be the one constant aim of all your choices and experiences.

Fear is the furthest that you can be from the loving source, so keep note of your thoughts and keep love in your heart and your intentions. We love you all. We are always with you

Next message

Dearest SIMON, what will you share with us today?

May we keep it in really simple terms, as some of this stuff can be a bit hard for some of us to understand.

Little one, we are always with you and love you dearly. We see the struggles that you and your brothers and sisters on the Earth plane go through each moment within your lives. Our messages will always be of love and support. We are here with you to show you your true selves and in so doing so, we will help you understand your true purpose. Each of you, at times in your lives has asked, “What am I here for?” What is the purpose of my life?” Is there a God and if so what does he / she want from me?” We have heard the echoes of these questions from the beginning of time as you perceive it.

The answer is very simple. Once upon a time, as you may say in your stories and fables, there was a being of immense greatness. The being was perfect and was made up of an energy that was expressed at its highest form as love. This being was a vast oneness. It was everything and therefore was perfect just as it was.

Now even though this perfect being was perfect, it had a yearning, and that was to experience other than itself. Now being everything, this was not possible as it had nothing other than itself to relate to. So this perfect being of creative form, chose to make itself more than just a oneness as it had been.

The oneness took little pieces of itself and put them apart from itself. This then created pieces that were here and pieces that were there and with the difference they could then relate to each other and thus began the process of experience by relating. Now because the oneness was everything in the first place, the little pieces that were put over there, were in actual fact still part of the oneness. They were different now and in a different place, but still part of the original oneness and still connected to each other. All the little bits that were made separate became known to you as individual spirits and forms of energy that became living beings of consciousness or little bits of matter that became objects such as rocks and water.

Even though they are all different they are still made up of the original bits of the energy that was the oneness. They are just now able to take different shapes and forms so that they can play their part in the wonderful game of life that was created purely for the purpose of experiencing. So, through all the separate, yet connected little pieces, the oneness, that you identify as God, gets to relate and experience a vast array of experiences.

Thus each one of you was created in “His” image as you have been told and you all are children of a loving God. Your purpose is to experience with each other all the wonderful array of feelings and emotions from love to fear.

Love is the perfect vibrational match of the creative force and therefore is the energy of God.

Fear on the other hand is the farthest away from love that is possible.

Fear, true total fear, is the absence of love and God’s light. Fear is the darkness that the soul goes through when it forgets that it is truly love and of the creative essence of God.

Thus, who are you? You are all aspects of the one source of energy. Aspects of the oneness. You are all reflections of the perfection of the divine.

Why are you here? Purely to play in the game of life. To experience all that there is, so that the oneness may experience through you.

What is your purpose? To experience all that there is from total fear to total love, so that the oneness may experience through and with you. It is very simple. Each moment of the day, you will be presented with choices and those choices will always be one of love or one of fear. It is your free will to decide. To act out of fear or act out of faith and love and experience your true selves as loving light energy. Each spirit is of the perfect oneness and therefore perfect in every way just the way it is. It is the Earthly form that you take, stepping into a human body that allows you to forget your perfection and to have that Earthly experience and choice of fear or love. Our message is to remind you that you are perfect just the way you are and to become aware of your choices and your purpose. It is all about love. Be loving, be love itself. We love you all

Next message

Good morning SIMON, what will you share with us today?

Little one, our message today is again based on love and the understanding of your perfection as a spirit and part of the perfection that is known as the oneness. Because it is everything it is complete within itself and therefore perfect in every way. As pieces of that perfect oneness each of you are in your own right perfect little parts of that whole. It is the human experience that you come to the Earth plane to have that may make you feel less than perfect or less than successful.

The experiences that you come here to have are perfect in their own way as that was the purpose for which you were all created. It is the vast array of experiences that make it all perfect. Even though the unpleasant or painful, may not be joyous experiences, they are still perfect for it is in the darkness, the furthest from the loving support of creation that you as individual spirits may get to feel the disconnection from that source and then to be able to understand the love and light that you are.

It is only by knowing the opposite of something that it is possible to understand the something. It is only when you go into the dark that you can perceive and then understand that you were in the light. If you only experienced the light you would not actually know that you were experiencing it, for you would have nothing to compare it to and nothing to relate the experience to. Thus it is the darkness that helps you know and understand the light. It is in the absence of love that you get to know and understand what love is. It is by taking yourself away from or out of a place or situation that you will then know where you have been or what you were experiencing. So, even the darkest of places or feelings allow you to know the light and love that is the source of love.

It is by being away from something that you can then understand

how beautiful where you were really was. Everything, even the dark and fearful has a purpose. Everything really does have a purpose. Everything does actually happen for a reason. It is all so that you may know the perfection and love from where you came. It is by being away from that love, that you can find your way back to it. The human experience is an amazing one for you as little spirits. There are no rights or wrongs.

Each experience has a purpose and you can find a positive in absolutely everything if you look at it long enough and with an open enough mind and heart. The loving creative force, created all of us as equal. None are more precious to it than another, so in your own way you are all precious, perfect and equally valued and loved, no matter what experience you are choosing to have this time around on the plane of experience that you call Earth. We love you all dearest ones. You are all beautiful beings of light, perfect in every way. It may help you if you accept your perfection as a spirit and realize that everything that is happening is just an experience that your spirit has chosen as part of the delicious array of experiences that may be had while in physical form. You are all so fortunate to have these wonderful times. We love you all and watch with excitement for you. Be at peace with your perfection. WE LOVE YOU ALL.

Next message

Dearest SIMON, what will you share with us today?

Little One, you have been thinking about reincarnation, so we will discuss that subject in today’s message. In previous discussions we have shown you that the original purpose of separating spirits away from the oneness was for them to go forth into the newly created planes to have experiences. As there are an unlimited number of experiences to have, the spirits also chose to go from one plane to another and even onto the Earth plane in many shapes and forms over the period of many lifetimes as you may perceive them to be. In this way a single spirit may have the experience of that of animal or human. Each individual life will give that individual a chance to experience the Earth plane or whichever plane it has chosen for that particular incarnation, in whichever way it sees fit, for the purpose of growth, awareness and renewal.

Each lifetime offers a vast array of opportunities to experience a life in so many ways. The form taken may be male or female, or sometimes even a mixture of both. It may also be a physical form that has physical or mental challenges of some type. Each delicious choice will give the spirit an amazing experience and when you add the extra bonuses of regrouping with other spirits in family groups, the possibilities are exquisite and endless.

The possibilities for variation are so wonderful, and each brings with it the possibility of life challenges to strengthen the spirit and to assist in the choices of loving resolve to all challenges. Reincarnation has the purpose, of creating a variety of experiences for any one spirit to have. The form, the shape, the sex, the skin colour, the culture and beliefs, the family group, the economic structure chosen, the country, the time all give so much variety for a spirit to live and experience so many possibilities. From beginning to end, you will all get to experience, male, female, fat, thin, rich and poor and every shape, colour and size.

What an amazing journey you are all on. Many religions have the essence of reincarnation as a base of their belief and others have removed the truth, purely as a matter of control of their followers. Reincarnation has a divine purpose and was created for the endless possibilities of choice of experiences. So, little one, yes, you have lived before, many many times. You have had the experiences of wealth and poverty, tall and short, ill and healthy, male and female. The main purpose of all these shapes and forms is to have the choice to overcome any fears and find the love and light of divinity within each of you. Isn’t life wonderful? Enjoy it for all its richness and diversity and know that it is all just a play of life for your spirit to dance and sing and enjoy the magnificence of physical form. We love you all dearest. Enjoy your experiences for what they are. Just experiences, not good or bad, but to show you the wide array of flavours of the universal experience.

Next message

Dearest SIMON,

Yesterday we spoke of reincarnation and how the spirit makes many journeys to different planes for the purpose of experiences. Many times I have heard the concept of us being here for spiritual lessons or learnings. Would you explain this for us please?

As we mentioned yesterday, little one, you were all created for the purpose of experiencing the vast array of delicious experiences that the physical form has to offer. Through you and even between all of you, the oneness could now have experiences, whereas when it was only the one, it had nothing outside of itself to relate to.

The journey to the Earth plane is an amazing experience for any spirit. It is a physical dimension that allows you to experience through all the senses capable of the physical body that you inhabit while there as well as a magnificent interplay of emotional states that you can experience. You are all of the perfect oneness and therefore are already perfect in all ways. You need not learn anything as you already know it all as you basic spiritual level. The only learning or remembering that is part of your journey while on Earth is to overcome the state of forgetfulness that you take on when you are born in to a physical body.

This state of forgetfulness allows you to have an Earthly experience, one that is of pure illusion so that you can all play part in a wonderful tapestry of life choices. At many points during your lives you will be offered challenges and it is how you deal with those challenges that are part of your experiences as well. The challenge is to go inside yourself and remember your perfection and connection to the source of all creation and through that connection realize that love is the only answer to all questions and challenges. All other feeling or states are less than the loving perfect energy that is you. You are natural energy vibrating at a perfect frequency of loving creation. You will be offered experiences and challenges that will take you far away from your perfect state and it is in those moments that you will get the opportunity to experience what you truly are by being in a place of what you are not. By this we mean, it is only by knowing the dark that you can finally know what light really is. If you are exposed only to light you will actually have no idea of what it truly is, as that is all that you will ever have known. It is by experiencing the dark that you can then have something to compare the light to and then have an actual experience of the light. So, to answer your question little one. It is not so much learnings that you are here for, it is the experiencing of emotions and the knowing of other than yourself so that you get to understand what and who you really are, which of course is all part of the perfect oneness. So, it is not a matter of learning anything. It is more a matter of observing what and where you are in any moment and then having the opportunity to truly know it by comparison to its opposite. Everything has been created for your individual yet connected spirits to experience and to finally know who you really are. It is all a wonderful fine interwoven part of the creation experience that you are having. Everything is perfect just the way it is, as it all has a purpose for you to find who you are. Everything really does happen for a reason. So, look closely as each challenge offers you an opportunity to get to know yourself and then get to know and understand the loving creative force that is known to you all as God. It is all as it should be. There is a big picture and at any moment you may only be being shown a tiny art of it. Know that at that moment it is the experience of the tiny part that is necessary for you within that moment. It will all be revealed in perfect divine time. We love you all. It is all as it should be. In love you walk. In love you all grow. Shine, dear ones, for you are all light. Be at peace with your perfection. You are perfect just the way you are. You need not do or be anything to be more perfect than you are and you are all truly loved just the way you are and where you are, as it was all created for a magnificent purpose and you are all playing your part in that purpose. So forgive yourselves for ever doubting that you were less than perfect or even faulty in any way. You are loved and cherished, just the way you are. You need not do anything other than just be what and how you are to be loved and accepted. This is the only reality. You are perfect. You are part of the perfect oneness. You are all connected and each as valuable as each other. It is all love. Rest now, knowing you need not do anything to be loved or accepted. You are perfect right here and now in this moment. No matter what you have ever done, that was only something that you did, it is not who you are and does not make you any less worthy of being loved. There is no need to struggle for divine love. It is yours, just as you are right now. It is who you are. You are divine perfection, just as you are right now. Accept that and find the peace that is offered to you in that acceptance. Be the love that you search for. You already are. Just accept that and you will find yourself and the peace and love that you so deeply yearn for. We love you all.

Next message

Dearest SIMON, We have previously discussed reincarnation and our purpose as spirits. When you have said that we are here to experience everything possible and that everything just is, rather than be good or bad, how does that affect us when it comes to doing right and wrong as we have been bought up to do. Do we suffer consequences of our actions in some way, as in Karma?

Little ones, when we say that all of your experiences are purely for the experience and that there is no judgment from the loving creator, we do not mean that it is appropriate for your spirit to harm another. This will cause yourself pain as you are all connected and all part of the oneness. Harming another, would be like hacking off one of your own fingers purely because you can. Of course you can, but the consequence would be pain and suffering to you. It is the same when you intentionally harm another. You are all part of the one force. So harming another will have a consequence of harming yourself. Guilt, is a way for your being to know that you have harmed another and therefore harmed yourself. A simple way to live life is to do so lovingly, do as you please, just so long as you do not cause harm to another intentionally.

It is not necessary for you to do whatever it takes to make another happy, for you are not responsible for another’s happiness and actually you can not make another person happy. Your actions can assist in helping another find their joy, but it is not by your actions that another finds any sort of happiness.

Happiness comes from within and you are not responsible for, or even the cause of another person’s happiness or even misery. It is not what actually happens that matters. It is how you perceive what happens that allows you to either react with happiness or sadness. Life is an illusion for you while you are on the Earth plane. Every situation is set up so that you may choose how you wish to feel about it. How you feel is your choice. We say that to make you aware that you can not be truly harmed by another when it comes to your feelings. Your body or your material possessions may be harmed, but no one can make you feel any way at all. How you react after the initial responsive emotion is your choice.

To explain that further, an incident may occur that you may have an initial reaction to with anger. That is an initial response and is built into your responsive reflexes. After the initial moments of response, you then have the choice to remain in the feeling of anger or move to any other feeling that you choose.

How you feel is actually up to you.

You are in control of your feelings if you are aware of

them and continue to make choices as each moment

of your day progresses. Life on Earth is about continual choices. It is about creating the life experiences that you want to have and be able to choose how you feel about them.

You have free will to stay in a feeling or let it go and move into a feeling of joy or happiness no matter what is actually going on around you.

Life is a choice and once you are aware of that, you can feel happy, just because you can, and that is a wonderful feeling to have.

What choice are you going to make right now. How do you choose to feel right here and now in this moment?

It is your life. Your experience. Your choice.

What will you choose for yourself right now and then each subsequent moment after this now that will become the now of the future. Oh little ones, you have such joyous choices.

You truly all are in a delicious place to enjoy the physical forms that you have chosen for the NOW. Make a choice. Feel it. Savor it. Enjoy it. We love you all Feel however you want to.

With love. SIMON

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Good morning my dearest friends SIMON,

What can you tell us about men who feel that they are really women trapped in a man’s body or visa verse?

Well, dear little one, this is a very interesting subject, as the being truly believes that they are the body that they are in.

This is a greater spiritual challenge than most, purely because they are so confused by their Earthly connection and the feelings they have that they have totally forgotten that they really are not either male or female.

They get to love the duality of the spirit, which is actually a great challenge and an amazing experience. They get to see the Earth experience from two sides of the one coin as they are born with one body and yet have the feelings and sensations of another gender.

This is in no way a curse as they may feel. It is a pure blessing as the experience is more intense and so much stronger to overcome so many emotions.

They live the challenge within themselves; they do not have to relate to anyone else to get these extreme challenges and emotions.

The matter of fact is that they really are neither male nor female.

That part of them is purely an illusion while they are here on the Earth plane.

The true challenge for them is to look beyond their body and beyond their feminine versus masculine side and see themselves as the pure light and love of God that they are.

God does not create anything that is less than perfect, so even with the challenges that they face, they are still perfect and their body and gender confusion is part of the game they play here on Earth.

Oh what a game.

It is purely delicious is it not, as challenges are so confrontational.

Let go of the body, gender confusion and accept yourself totally as perfection in what ever body you are in.

All is perfect for each and every one of you; it is just a matter of seeing through the haze of forgetfulness that you came through to be here on Earth and to have the life experiences that you are having this time around.

Look at the mirror and smile if you do not see what you

expect, for your personality, your spirit is just playing a game with you.

You are so much more perfect than any body could ever reflect.

You are pure light, you are pure love.

That is perfect in every aspect.

Your physical body is merely a shell, a vehicle, it is not the real you, so stop fretting about what it looks like.

Be yourself, laugh, be joyful, be happy knowing that your beauty is so radiant and so glorious that no body could ever reflect that perfection.

Treat your bodies with respect, give them the food and exercise and the rest that they need. Keep them clean and running efficiently so that they will carry you through this journey of life comfortably, but for heaven’s sake stop thinking that, that is who you are.

You are perfect, just the way you are.

If your body needs changing, then do so, so that your experience here on earth can be a joyous one.

All is well and as it should be dearest one.

You are all flowers in the garden of God.

You are in control of your lives.

You choose, by free will to be and have anything that you can hold focus on and keep in your mind with emotional intensity.

You are all perfect and God and all of us love you all.

Be happy dearest, as that is your true self. Happiness, joy, love, that is your perfection.

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