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Kinesiology (kin-easy-ology)

I am trained in three styles of Kinesiology - Kinergetics, Touch For Health and Neuro Linguistic Kinesiology. Kinesiology is a powerful technique for energy balancing and assisting the body to heal itself. It is very hard to explain, so I hope the info below, from several sources, helps.

Brief explanation of Kinesiology:
Kinesiology is a simple technique of accessing information from the sub conscious mind using any muscle in the body as an indicator muscle.

Muscle monitoring can be used to establish a simple, effective and convenient communication system with the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind controls motor functions in the body, such as muscle movement, so we can use this "built in" biofeedback mechanism to find out information that would not be available to the conscious mind.

In extremely simple terms, while receiving a treatment or balance, slight pressure is put on a selected muscle and the person is asked to give a slight resistance to the pressure. A question is then asked and the muscle will gently move under the pressure to indicate an answer to the question or to show where an energy block is in the body system. Using this simple technique to communicate with the sub conscious mind, a Kinesiologist can access information related to energy disturbances caused by emotional issues, illness, allergies etc., and how to correct them.

Simply stated, Kinesiology, is a way of  “ talking “ to your body system. Your sub conscious is like a computer program that “runs” your body - being very efficiently. It knows everything about you and what is happening in your physical, mental, emotional and energy body system. If you are experiencing pain, stress, disease or any imbalance, Kinesiology is a simple, powerful way of your body’s operating system telling the Kinesiologist what to do to correct the energy fields so that it may work to heal itself. All types of kinesiology have their basis in muscle monitoring, and this testing technique is used to determine whether a situation, activity, memory, food, or substance is causing stress to the body or brain.

Muscle Monitoring accesses information often not available to the conscious mind.

Further reference for Kinesiology
Kinergetics :

Kinergetics youtube :
Touch for health
Equilibrium book shop :

A typical Kinesiology procedure:
Typically, the practitioner records the client’s relevant history (confidentially).
The kinesiology session then continues with the client remaining fully clothed and
lying comfortably face-up on a massage table. Each session can vary with a number
of tests or challenges performed at various times depending on the issue.
• Physical challenge – the practitioner tests neuromuscular integrity
(biofeedback) by asking the patient to position an arm or leg in a certain way, and
then to hold that position while the practitioner exerts gentle pressure against the
• Chemical challenge – involves testing the patient’s reaction to certain
foods or allergens when small quantities of a suspect item are placed on the body.
The practitioner gauges the reaction by monitoring the energy relationship between
the muscle and its ‘corresponding organ’.
• Mental challenge – the patient thinks about certain things or focuses on
their feelings, while the practitioner performs a specific muscle test. The test may
indicate an energy imbalance or stress that needs attention.
The client sees and experiences first-hand all changes that have been made,
especially when confirmed through the muscle-monitoring process.
How did kinesiology begin?
Kinesiology has its roots in the early sixties with an American Chiropractor, George
Goodheart D.C. Goodheart began to use muscle testing to evaluate muscle function,
posture and general body imbalances. His continued research, which also included
discoveries of corrective measures for the evaluated dysfunctions, led him to
formulate 'Applied Kinesiology', a system he made available to other Chiropractors
and professionals. Soon after, in the early seventies, another Chiropractor, John
Thie D.C., with wonderful humanitarian insight, systemised Kinesiology for the lay
person. This simplification towards a self-help method he called Touch For Health.

Vibrational Healing

“Channel 1” is a healing

technique developed through

access to Reiki, Kinesiology

and Meditation. It accesses

all vibrations of healing energy

including Reiki, Sekhem, Colours,

Flowers, Crystals , Sound,

Metals , Minerals and all

“Channeled” vibrations. It is

used in the same way as Reiki - to balance the energy fields of the “body” to return it to a balanced and harmonious state.

If the energy of “ emotions” is not released at the time of incident, the subconscious mind will store that energy within the “body “ system. It usually files this energy with other non released energies of similar feelings. ie. Every time we get angry and” bite our tongue”, instead of expressing how we feel, the energy becomes stored or trapped within our light bodies. After several incidents of anger being suppressed you may find that one extra incident will cause us to “explode”. This emotional outburst is caused by accessing all similar energy stored before and releasing it in a fit of rage . It is the same for sadness or any other emotion. The energy will be stored in files within the body until an overload occurs which causes us to become emotional, teary, angry or sad for no apparent reason.

If enough energy from unreleased emotions is stored in the “ body” it can cause blockages to the life force energy flow. This will usually result in “disease” forming . Aches, pain, disease and many imbalances in the body can be assisted to be released if the energy system is cleared and stimulated.

When the energy system is functioning correctly and life force is flowing within the system in balanced way, the body , mind and spirit will usually be healthy, happy , harmonious and free from sickness , pain and disease.

Channel 1 will bring the perfect vibration of healing energy into the system to release stored energy and bring the energy fields back into a more balanced state .

This gentle loving technique may be experienced as a personal balance or you may choose to be opened to work with vibrational healing through classes.

Bowen Therapy


Bowen therapy was developed in Australia by Tom Bowen.


Bowen therapy is a simple gentle technique based on a series of movements over the fascia and muscles in precise spots to create a vibration in the muscle shaft. It is used for all sorts of physical imbalances and aids in stress release and relaxation.

The Bowen moves are performed in a specific sequence with a timed break in between. A Bowen therapist will make a few precise moves over the body and then step back for a pause to allow the body to be affected by the moves without further influence from the therapist. The average time pause after a series of moves is 2 minutes. This can be longer if the client is still experiencing reaction from the previous set of moves.

A Bowen treatment feels nothing like a massage. It is extremely gentle with moves made with pressure no harder than you would use on an eyeball. This is not a "No pain, no gain style of therapy". I found a lot of clients with unresolved muscle issues still having massages after years of treatment and expecting to be pumbled to the bone to get results.

The most common feeling that a person may experience is a sense of warmth or tingling. The moves will create a reaction even if there is no strong sensation felt by the client.

An average treatment takes about an hour. The basic relaxation moves are done and then any other area of the body can be addressed once the initial basic set up has been completed.

On average it is recommended to have 3 Bowen treatments, each within a week of each other to create the greatest potential for resolving physical conditions.

There have been many times that one treatment has been enough to completely clear long standing physical issues.

Each individual is unique and so is their body and their situation. 3 sessions are recommended in the initial consultation, with an adjustment made depending on the level of resolve. It is advisable to maintain your body once imbalances have been corrected, so a monthly treatment can be advantageous to keep the body at peak health and wellbeing.

One of the biggest comments about Bowen therapy is "How can something so simple, make such a big change in my body".

The first time I ever experienced a

Bowen treatment was when my

friend (and Reiki student) and now Bowen teacher Paul demostrated Bowen on me. I was somewhat unimpressed. I laughed when he was finished and said "Is that it". Hmmm. I had very little reaction and actually had no pain at the time so the gentle moves didn't really seem to do much, or so it seemed.

I have since had many clients unimpressed with the gentle and seemingly nothingness of the moves. I even had one lady huff as she paid me after her treatment. She had come to me for an elbow complaint that she had been suffering for years. I did the sequence of moves and stepped back to give her body the time breaks as required. At the end of the session, she dressed quickly and walked out to the reception area with a bit of an attitude. She shoved the money over the counter and walked out quite unimpressed. About an hour later, this same lady rang me and said quite politely," I would like to apologise to you. I thought that the whole thing was a sham when you did the treatment on me. You just prodded here and there and then stepped back and waited quietly, before prodding around again. I was not impressed at all, and thought that it was all a rip off. I drove home and kept moving my elbow expecting the same pain that I had been suffering with for years. By the time I got half way home, the pain had gone. I have been wriggling it since and the pain is still gone. I don't know what you did, or how it works, but it has and I would like to thank you and apologise for thinking that the whole thing was a waste of time."

That lovely lady became a regular in my shop and she was very happy that the elbow pain never returned to her.

There will always be some people that Bowen will not work for, but I have found that they are few and far between after years of working with the technique.

If you are contemplating trying Bowen therapy, give it a go. You have nothing to lose except your pain, and life is way to short to put up with suffering.

    “There are many who would suppose that to give healing is to attempt to cure a physical ailment, which of course it is. But first and foremost healing is given to the spirit of the patient , the spirit self, which is the life of the soul. We try to give energy and power to feed that light to make it brighter. “
                   Quotation from

          “The Eagle And The Rose”
               by Rosemary Altea

Channel 1 - Vibrational Healing
Everything, everyone and every being is energy. The difference between is simply at what rate the energy vibrates. We are delicately attuned to resonate in harmony with the universe.
The physical body vibrates at a relatively low vibration. Each successive level of the aura or our human energy field vibrates at a higher rate.
Within the physical body, different organs and glands vibrate at different frequencies. Many other energies vibrate at a harmonious frequency to parts of the physical body. In this way crystals, colours, sound,  flower essences and many other natural “remedies” have been used to bring the body, the mind and the spirit back into a state of balance and harmony.
Some of the greatest healers of all time, Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Hahnemaan, Bach and
Steiner had one simple concept. They believed that good health was a result of mental, spiritual and emotional balance and harmony. They found that if they treated their patient’s emotional imbalances, their diseases were often cured. Most imbalances within the entire being usually have an emotional or energetic component. By dealing with the emotion and clearing the associated energy the person has a greater potential for healing to occur.
All vibrational healing techniques have one aim; to return the energy fields to a state of even flow, harmony and balance by shifting and releasing energy blocks in the energy system, so that the body can heal itself. Some techniques do this by rubbing points on the physical body, some by using needles, as in acupuncture and others by introducing a compatible vibration into the energy field. The introduced vibrations may be from plants, flowers, colour, crystals, metals, sound, homoeopathics, shells, hands on healing and other wonderful gifts from nature.
 In ancient times, various energies were used to bring mind, body and spirit back into a state of well-being and harmony. We were  in tune with the universe.  In today's rush, with our stress, pollution and cultural beliefs many of us have become disconnected from our spiritual truths and our abilities to use natural energies to bring us back into balance.   Many of us are beginning to remember our past knowledge and are going in search of  natural therapy teachings to connect us back to our original knowledge of restoring harmony and well-being. 
Many people have been raised in a “stiff upper lip”, don’t show your emotions, style of society. This has caused many of us to suppress and deny our emotional state. We are encouraged to hold back the tears and grit our teeth to hold back the anger. This is considered socially acceptable behaviour. This behaviour however, causes many major energetic disturbances in our auric fields. 
The auric field is the “plan” of our physical body and our entire reality. Disturbances within the auric field, may create enough of an imbalance to the ultra tuned functioning of the system to eventually lead to physical degeneration of the physical body and states of mind.  It is now an accepted thought that many of our physical illnesses may have been attributed to our emotions and beliefs. Louise Hay  and Annette Noontil have documented results  from research of many cases of physical illness and accidents and have found  corresponding attitudes and beliefs in a large group of surveyed clients.
Annette Noontil  says “ Disease does not bring pain. The pain in your soul brings disease. Pain is good because it gives you the idea that you need to look into yourself. Use the pain.”
By understanding the cause and effect of emotional suppression, we can learn to change our attitudes about “holding back “ our feelings and re-establish a method of positive emotional release.        
This allows the powerful energy of emotions to flow in a positive form of release.  Accept that there will be times when you are angry. Allow the energy to be released in a positive physical way such as punching  a pillow or a punching bag, run, scream or just jump up and down. This behaviour  of course, still needs to be in a socially acceptable form. Time and place will determine the way in which you release this energy.
Allow yourself to cry  or release anger if you need to . This is the way the subconscious releases blocked energy and restores you to a state of well-being.

Many of our Christian beliefs have caused us to deny natural therapies out of fear of the unknown. This is only the fear of the powerful unknown. During the “dark ages” as Christianity spread across Europe many “wise woman - witches “ were persecuted and killed for their use of energies in healing.Through fear many turned from natural healing and by doing so, we have become disconnected from our natural abilities to work with nature to restore balance to our systems.
Out of fear, all other negative emotions arise. The key to health and well-being is love, and connectedness to all that there is.
We have the ability to connect with nature to heal ourselves in many ways. Within the human genetics, is the ability to channel life force energy to and through us. It is only our beliefs and energy blocks that have disconnected us from these natural abilities. We have always had the ability to work with natural energies and are now going in search of our reconnection to our original knowledge. 

In the late 1800’s Dr. Usui  went in search of the ability to heal mind, body and spirit as Buddha and Jesus had shown . Since then many  have been attuned to Reiki.   
Patrick Zeigler then re-found the knowledge and access to the healing vibration of Sekhem  in the 1980’s with many people now using this beautiful energy.  Crystals, flowers, herbs, shells and many other natural  vibrations have been used for centuries by various tribes and cultures.  The use of colour and sound have also been found to be greatly effective in restoring the body to health and a state of well-being.
Everything that exists in the physical world must first be created in the energetic reality. The physical world is merely energy which has slowed in vibration to create matter. All matter is created by thought affecting energy. By projecting positive thoughts you can manifest your greatest dreams. However by projecting negativity you can manifest your worst fears. Give care to your thoughts for they have the power to create your reality. 
By worrying you are focusing negative thought vibrations into a situation and therefore may actually be attracting the worst to yourself.
Have faith that “everything really does happen for a reason” and that “all is perfect as it is” . Allow the universe to unfold its delicate and intricate story to you and be prepared to understand and acknowledge the truths being shown to you.
In many spiritual teachings we are asked to be aware that we are not victims. We are intricately interwoven beings, all of the one creation, all intertwined and subject to reaction to and with each other.
    In teachings such as “Conversations with God” we are shown that we are all here to experience “all that there is”.       

         Not good, not bad “ just is”.
 We are told that we are here to experience the total expanse of emotions, from total fear to total love.  We are all connected to the Creator and through us, He / She experiences all that there is as well. 
If you choose to live with this simple concept it becomes your choice to transcend fear and move into total love and faith.
Many spiritual beliefs such as Buddhism, believe that we are the soul eternal, and that we choose to come to the earth plane to experience emotions and travel on a journey to enlightenment  - reconnection with the Creator - the ultimate experience of pure unconditional love. The soul chooses the parents, the family and the experiences which will give it the greatest potential for soul growth during its time on earth. The Earth plane is “ The University of Emotions”.

     Thus we are not victims, we are souls choosing to experience all that we can.

"In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy." Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine

How does Channelled vibrational energy heal ?
We are all “alive” because the life force energy (Ki) is flowing through and around our physical bodies. It is this life force energy that leaves our bodies when we ”die”.  Life force energy flows through our physical  body, chakras, nadis and meridians. It also flows through and around our body in several layers known as the aura. Life force energy nourishes the organs and cells of the body and supports them in their vital functions. When the natural flow of life force is disrupted it causes reduced function in one or more organs and tissues of the physical  body.
The life force responds to thoughts and feelings and may become disrupted by negative thoughts. Vibrational energy  heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. This raises the vibration level of the energy field in and around the body, where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. As a result of this clearing the vibrational energy clears and realigns the body’s energy flow.
We have all at times experienced the “draining” effect some people have upon us. After spending time with them we may walk away, feeling drained or exhausted. On an energetic level they have “hooked into “ you and actually drawn life force energy from you.  By channelling life force from an unlimited source, you can now refill or top yourself up.        

When you become aware of how effective this energy is, you can actually give these draining people all the energy they need, through you, instead of from you, without draining yourself. If you are surrounded by negative draining people on a regular basis, without the ability to recharge yourself, it can lead to energetic drain and resulting illness.
What can Channelled vibrational energy heal?
Vibrational energy can be used  as an aid in the healing  treatments of most known illnesses, injuries plus emotional and mental imbalances. Vibrational energy has been used successfully to enhance medical treatment of multiple sclerosis, heart disease, some forms of cancer, skin problems, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headache, colds, flu, poor memory, lack of confidence, sunburn, insomnia, fatigue, sore throats etc. Vibrational energy may improve the results of medical treatments by reducing side effects, shorten healing times and reduce or control pain etc.
For diseases and injuries, vibrational energy is suggested to be used as an aid to traditional medical treatments.
Because Channel 1 channels healing  universal energy the practitioner’s energies are not depleted. Often,it is recognized that both the client and practitioner need healing, so they both  receive a treatment. Because of this, giving a vibrational energy treatment will  usually leave the practitioner with an increased sense of  well being and a higher level of energy.
There are cases where the soul has completed its soul purpose for this life on earth and chooses to transcend back into the spiritual realms. In these cases vibrational  energies may still be used to bring healing to the mind and spirit.        

Healing will still occur on whichever level the higher self chooses to receive it. Sometimes the passing over of the spirit - death- may also be the experience that loved ones, family or friends may benefit from experiencing to help them on their journey to awareness. It is often the untimely death of a loved one that causes many people to go in search of spiritual truths and ways of healing.

History of Bowen Technique

Thomas Bowen (1916 - 1982) The initiator of the Bowen Technique

Tom Bowen was born in Australia on April 18, 1916. In the 1950's Tom began his practice treating workmates and others that had heard of his reputation in the front room of a friend's home in the evenings after
work. Word of his healing hands spread throughout the region and soon he
could not accommodate the number of people wanting his treatment in
this part-time manner so he opened a full time practice.

Not being formally trained in any bodywork modality, Tom, through his own study and practice, developed what we now call the Bowen Technique. With his amazing skills of assessment, he was able to alleviate many
people's problems with very few, relatively gentle, soft tissue

Tom was highly selective of those who wanted to watch him work and learn his technique. Only six people worked with Tom over his years of practice. One of these was Ossie Rentsch from Hamilton Victoria. After
many months of following Tom and watching him treat his many patients
Ossie began to understand the technique. Under Tom's close supervision
and his assistance Ossie documented the work (a painstaking exercise as
there were no charts or explanations available), and this is an original
record of Tom's work.

What eventuated was a carefully documented and authenticated record of this amazing technique. The technique could be now taught and became what we know today as Bowtech®, the Bowen Technique.

After Tom died in 1982 Ossie and his wife Elaine formed the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia and began to teach the technique. They had promised Tom that they would make his work known throughout the world
and they have more than kept their promise. Today over 10,000 people
have completed basic Bowtech®, the Bowen Technique course, in fifteen
countries and in six languages. Worldwide, there are now 67 instructors
teaching Bowtech®.

Above info has been sourced from the Bowen Association of Australia

Hypertonic Muscles
If your muscles are too tight or not tight enough you will usually find that you have restricted movement or pain when moving, stretching or exercising.

Hyperton X

Hyperton X is a technique for releasing tight muscles or adjusting the tension in muscles . This is an excellent way to release tension and pain from the body as sometimes muscles that are too tight may cause the spine to become curved or twisted.

R.E.S.E.T Jaw Balancing
R.E.S.E.T is a simple painless technique of stimulating energy flow to the Temperomandibular joint or Jaw. A large percentage of the messages to the lower part of the body have to pass through the Jaw. If the Jaw is out of alignment in any way it causes scrambling of messages to muscles . This can result in pain , lack of balance , decreased co-ordination, headaches and dehydration. + more The Jaw can be put out of balance by stress, tension , dental work, teeth grinding or suffering impact to the Jaw.

Hydration influences nerve impulse conduction, biochemical reactions, and the body as a whole, as water is the medium in which our bodies operate.

If you are suffering from dehydration you may have dry skin and hair as well as headaches, fuzzy head and toxin build up . Water is the main substance in our body and is responsible for cell production, carrying nerve impulses and flushing the toxins from the system.

You may be drinking plenty of water and still be severely dehydrated due to energy blocks within the bodies pathways. A Kinergetics “balance” is one of the most powerful ways to clear energy blocks and get the water flowing efficiently within the body system again.


My aim for these testimonials is to show the gentle and perfect power of natural healing techniques. I just do what your body asks of me, so that it can heal itself.


This is a new site and I have not asked for many testimonials up until now, so I will add to these as I get some more. There have been many wonderful resolves to many issues for many lovely people over the years. Some of the stories, I have transferred from my little book of thanks.

I hope that you may get to experience the powerful effects of vibrational healing for yourself soon.

I have only shown the initials of the beautiful people that have allowed me to share their story.

To them all, I give light and many thanks


From LG.

I have several food intolerances and haven’t been able to eat many foods for many years and my symptoms were getting worse as the days and weeks went by, meanwhile living on pears, white bread and chicken.

On Wednesday morning, I had a peach.  I had forgotten how deliciously yummy peaches were.  I waited for the usual abdominal pain/urgent unpredictable explosive diarrhea.  It didn’t happen.  I had some slight abdominal pain, but nothing to write home about.

Today is day 3 after my consult.  I ate jalapeno chilies last night and I actually had a fruit smoothie for breakfast this morning with strawberries and bananas, and still none of the usual symptoms. 

While the consult was difficult emotionally, it obviously released lots of energy in me that was making me sick.  I know I still have some work to do, but can’t thank you enough for how you’ve helped me.  I’m letting in the light every morning before I get out of bed each day and feeling more confident in my body and feeling better in myself.

I will keep you posted.

Thanks again, you’ve already changed my life!


From M.E

A brief moment in time was spent with you and that brief moment fundamentally changed who I am, and how I approach my life. Thank you for bridging the worlds and being the wonderful unique person that you are.


From D.W

Being a very skeptical person, it was with a fair bit of trepidation that I was introduced to Reiki, Bowen, Kinergetics and Channel 1, and it has changed my life. I went from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, hypnotherapy to chiropractor, the whole gamut for the last 37 years to get treated for migraines and spondylitis.

Meeting Lyndell has relieved me of migraines and back pain within a few treatments of Kinergetics and Bowen and a lot of emotional baggage was released.

I can't speak highly enough of what Lyndell has done for me. I do recommend the treatments to all friends and family.


From L.M

I was lead to Lyndell through a Bowen course. I felt I was searching for a missing link in my life. Having never heard of Kinergetics, I was interested to know more about it. This information then prompted me to give it a go. I found so much release and freedom from using it. This led me to do Channel 1 and Reiki which I find really good as a back up to a Kinergetics treatment/ balance. I have known Lyndell now for 2 years and I am so thankful for her being a part of my life. I have given many of my friends her number as I believe she can help to find your chosen path.


From J.M

I was recently diagnosed with depression and given medication. This seemed to help somewhat. Then a friend gave me Lyndell's number. It took me a couple of weeks to get around to ringing her. Lyndell is such a lovely caring person and after talking to her, I felt much better, just having unloaded the problems from my shoulders. Then some sort of miracle was happening. Being skeptical, I thought at first it was nonsense. After continuing with my visits with Lyndell, I have a different view of life. She has helped me so much. I am feeling the best I have for some time. I have given her number to a lot of my friends. I am sure that things happen for a reason, mine led me to Lyndell and with her help, I am sure that the experience will show me a clearer path in life.

With love Lyndell


From J.L

For many years I have suffered with food, chemical and environmental allergies. I had Kinergetics with Lyndell and it has made all the difference in the world to me. I feel like a new person with a new lease on life.

Thanks Lyndell

Bowen therapy
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